Monday, June 29, 2009


Welcome to SGU's update blog,
Alon returned from a wonderful trip with Angie Ryan from Georgia. Angie is a counselor and had the opportunity to work with the older boys for several weeks. Home Depot donated carving tools for the boys to learn carving. This to was a project that Angie took on. She had all the older boys out in the yard daily, helping them master carving a wooden spoon. Everyday they looked forward to Angie setting up the shop to get started.
Alon and Angie visited the property that the boys are learning to farm on. Angie is no stranger to farming and was out there helping to plant seeds and hoeing.
Much was accomplised on this trip such as the formation of the Uganda board, working with the NGO attorney and visiting the private school that the children attend.
Alon and Christopher talked with our local tribe regarding the purchasing of more land. Everyone there is so excited about the new children's village and how it will help so many different types of children's needs.